jamie proulx Memorial Golf tournament

golf scramble this August 16th, 2025

hole in one sponsor


Sponsor a Hole

Last year’s annual golf tournament was a huge success. This year’s should be even better.  Sponsor a hole!



Get your Team together

Now is the time to get your team together.  Not a golfer or don’t fee like playing?  Golf not your thing? You can still participate toward our ultimate goal of raising funds by sponsoring either a team or a hole.

golfers<br />


Other Opportunities to get involved

Besides playing or sponsoring a team or a hole, we need items donated for a raffle.  Last year we had a raffle of nice items that was raffled off at the conclusion of the tournament.  Get involved by donated raffle items.

Sponsorship Levels

Presenting sponsor $2,500

In addition to Gold tier benefits you get a free team as well as your logo on all pre-event materials as well as acknowledgement in media release and invitation to participate in any media interviews.

gold sponsor $1,500

In addition to Silver Sponsor benefits you get a free team as well as the opportunity to show your logo on the event webpage.You also get event day recognition

silver sponsor $750

In addition to Bronze Sponsor benefits you get 75% off of 1 team as well as your logo on on the event signage

bronze sponsor $500

You get 50% off of 1 team and event day recognition

supporting sponsor $250

You get 25% off of 1 team as well as event day recognition

Contact us to register

Send us a message and indicate how you would like to get involved in this years golf tournament.